The Benefits of Business Blogging
Want a quick way to get your website visitors to convert to loyal customers? Offer them something valuable that other brands’ digital marketing campaigns don’t – a business blog filled with results-oriented content. Business blogging comes with a host of benefits; here are what we consider to be the top 10.
Increased Traffic
Effectively promoted integrated blogs can see traffic increase between 300% to 2000%. This gain in traffic then increases the number of inbound links, which in turn garners additional search equity. Nice!
Increased Search Equity
Every day, search engine crawlers are on the hunt for unique, well-crafted content. They look for fresh text, headlines, titles and links with descriptive anchor text and reward the sites that contain them.
More Inbound Links
Great content connects with readers on an emotional level and inspires them to share that feeling with others. Most people who share online do so because they think their friends and family will find the post interesting, and some studies suggest that referred visitors are two to four times more likely to convert.
Faster Sales
People who read your blog posts gain valuable insight into your brand’s philosophy and business approach. By the time they contact you for more information, they are already more qualified leads, as you have tapped into their need for a solution.
Thought Leadership
Well written blogs get shared. As the word spreads, your suppliers, competitors and other people will organically link to you. Before you know it, you’re a thought leader and authority in your industry.
Brand Building
Even the best home or landing page can’t compare to a well-written blog. Your brand’s personality shines and your business is reflected in the best possible light. It’s also the place where customers can connect to and learn to trust your brand.
Fresh Content
Blogging is an excellent way to stay fresh without constant changes to your website. Update information on products or services, react to industry news, and share tips. It’s faster than a press release and allows you to maintain control of what is published.
Reduced Marketing Costs
Traditional outbound marketing techniques like TV, radio and print ads are expensive. Inbound marketing can reduce those costs by over 60%.
Better Customer Engagement
Blogs are more personal and thus more social. You and your readers can share them across social media platforms to help your brand build a community of followers. Remember that social interaction is a 2-way street. Encourage comments.
Save Time & Increase Productivity
Notice the links in this blog post? That saves potential leads a lot of time in their research and they’ll appreciate your effort. Another great time saver is re-purposing blog posts into email campaigns and newsletters. Both are great for sparking renewed interest in your service or product.
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Emphatic blogger