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  • The Website Rules of Attraction: Effective Ways to Get More Web Traffic
Attraction is everything, right?
There are plenty of fish in the sea, so when you’re courting your potential consumers, how do you make sure people fall in love with you and stop looking for another? You need to be so magnetic that you stand out as a match made in heaven, but there is a science to Website Rules of Attraction.
Preparing to Put Your Best Face Forward
In order for the laws of attraction to work for you, you need to do the following:
  • Be Beautiful. Undoubtedly, the rules of attraction are almost always rooted in physical appeal. Sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when you’re talking about increasing your web traffic, your site needs to be stunning so you can appeal to the widest possible audience. Avoid clutter and distractions from your site, and focus on creating a clean, concise interface that welcomes your visitors to learn more about you. User-unfriendly websites are unappealing and do not foster the chemistry you’re trying to create.
  • Court Your Consumers. There are a lot of great customers out there who don’t even know you exist, so it’s up to you to do a little legwork and help them understand how awesome you are. Hit the social media sites, and join in on conversations with your followers. Offer a few tips and tricks from your trade that will help them understand that you’re an authority in your industry. Take the time to reply to followers’ comments, and don’t disregard negative feedback. Acknowledging poor experiences publicly, whether they’re valid or not, can really show the rest of the world how much great customer service means to your company. You can trust the people really are paying attention!
  • Put Yourself Out There. It’s hard to find potential suitors when you’re sitting in your office all day hiding from the rest of life. Properly placed pay-per-click (or PPC) advertising can put you in front of an already-interested audience. Paid search ads, social media advertising, and display advertising are great ways to get attention, but be mindful that bids on boring words will leave you yearning for more when the numbers come in. Nobody wants somebody that’s just like everybody else. If you’re in a highly competitive market, be sure to do your due diligence and concoct creative keywords that will get the most action for your inbound marketing efforts. The more specific you can make your content marketing, the more likely you are to convert visitors into customers.
  • Maintaining Your Appealing Appearance
    Now that you understand the process necessary for a proper courtship, you’re ready to embrace your relationships. No labor of love comes without a little maintenance work, so here are some things to keep in mind as your digital marketing strategy progresses:
  • Optimize Your Attraction. SEO is no longer a catch phrase; it’s an essential ingredient to your company’s success. You need to pay attention to your on-page SEO attributes, and optimize your webpages such that the search engines love you as much as your customers will. This requires a bit of regular upkeep, but the investment in time can pay huge dividends with your potential suitors.
  • Be Inviting. Inbound marketing is all about driving web traffic to your site. Once people are there, make sure they appreciate their journey by offering something of value they can’t live without. Create landing pages that entice your audience to learn more by filling out a lead form. This will give you vital information you need for follow-ups, and, in return, your customers will receive information they were looking for.
  • What Do They Want? Throwing random words into cyberspace does not constitute a viable use of keywords. In fact, it’s likely an exercise in futility. A great SEO strategy lends itself to the needs of the consumer, which means you need to do the research necessary to know which keywords people are searching for and which phrases will set you apart from the competition.
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